
Saturday 22 April 2017


I was 11 years old. the science teacher walked in the class and began his lecture by saying,

“Today we're going to study the atom. The atom cannot be seen by the human eye. it cannot be seen under a normal microscope. it cannot be seen even under some of the most powerful electro-microscopes.”

I was taught by a science teacher to believe in an atom that nobody had ever seen. Our teacher admitted that he had never seen an atom. Then he said that this atom (which he had never seen) was divided into three parts. a proton, neutron, and electron.

Now wasn't that ridiculous? He had never seen an atom, didn't know what it looked like, but he did know that it had three parts to it. And he expected me to believe it! yet I did believe it. and I still do. I believe in nuclear fission, atomic energy. i believe in atomic explosions and nuclear power.

All of these things are structured upon the fact that the atom exists and has three parts, and although we don't know what an atom or a proton looks like, we believe in the atomic bomb.

Just like the atom, there are many things that exist and take place every day, but we don't see them yet we know they're there, even though we can't see them or prove their existence.

Any person who looks at the precision and the symmetry and the beauty of this universe and draws the conclusion that it “just came about” is crazy.

You have been looking at this universe with its tremendous laws, its millions and billions of stars and planets hurtling through space at fantastic speeds and never colliding, and you are saying it just came about? think of many things in your everyday life that you have accepted, believed or trusted that you cannot see.

They taught me in biology that there is vitamin A in carrots, vitamin B in rice, vitamin C in oranges, vitamin D in milk. I can't see a vitamin, and i don't know what a vitamin looks like, but i eat them every day and receive their benefits without seeing them.

Why can't I believe in God without seeing him?

It's been the most thrilling, the most adventurous life I believe a person could ever live. What a privilege it is to have the God of heaven and earth live inside me!


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