
Monday 31 October 2016


Have you ever listened to message that left you in   tears? A message that made u begin to make new resolutions? That was the kind of message that people heard from Jesus. That message was immediately accompanied by a miraculous happening. It was filled with a great authority. It was the same authority he spoke with that he cast out devil. Those who saw what had happened exclaimed, “What is this teaching? With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits and they come out!” (Luke 4:36). Their observation was accurate because Jesus’ teaching was not ordinary. It was not the kind of teaching those people were used to hearing. It was a new form of teaching that created a new impact. It was the authority behind the message that interested the people the most. Jesus’ teaching carried the authority of God’s spirit within it. It had a commanding force. It was a kind of message that forced itself into people’s hearts; difficult to resist.

God’s children carry authority within them. Their words are words of authority. Their actions were full of power. Their prayers are full of strength. If you are a child of God then there is authority accompanying you. This is not one of those motivational teaching that merely makes you feel good. I am telling you the truth, Jesus has already give you great authority. What you need to do is begin to use your authority. Jesus knew the authority he had and applied it. Use your authority to pray; use your authority to preach the word; use your authority to bind devil. It is when you use your authority that there will be results.


What atrocity have people not committed because of money?

 Some business men and women have lied and visited herbalists so as to make more money. Some politicians have killed or maligned their fellows; others have thrown integrity to the wind and loathed the public fund. There have been cases of people who used the blood of their family member to make money, or a part of their body. Some children of God have taken up some questionable appointments and dabbled into some dirty businesses in the name of making money. People go this far because of their love for money. Money is not evil because the bible didn’t say so. Without money you can’t eat or take care of yourself. Without money you can’t own a house. Money is good. It is the love of money that leads to evil. The love of money leads to greed and avarice. It leads to pride and selfishness. It leads to backbiting and slandering. It leads to lying and stealing. People have played all kinds of tricks so as to have money. Some others have joined secret cults and taken all kinds of risk just because they want to be in the possession of money. The love of money is the desire and devotion to money. There are people who take money as a god. They follow the laws and commandments of money but never pay attention to God. This is idolatry. The desire for money is insatiable. This is the reason you find out that our leaders are never satisfied. Even though they have huge bank accounts, they still perpetrate evil so as to make more money. What is your relationship with money? Money is meant to serve holy purposes. Any money that comes to you is meant to handle a situation in your life.  Submit your money to God and ask God to direct you and decide for you how you should use your money.

Friday 28 October 2016


Insensitivity makes a wound that heals slowly. If someone hurts your
feelings intentionally you know how to react. You know the source of the pain. But if someone accidentally bruises your soul, it’s difficult to know how to respond.

Someone at work criticizes the new boss who also happens to be your dear friend. “Oh, I’m sorry—I forgot the two of you were so close.”

A joke is told at a party about overweight people. You’re overweight.You hear the joke. You smile politely while your heart sinks.

What was intended to be a reprimand for a decision or action becomes a
personal attack. “You have a history of poor decisions, John.”

Someone chooses to wash your dirty laundry in public. “Sue, is it true that you and Jim are separated?”

Insensitive comments. Thoughts that should have remained thoughts.
Feelings which had no business being expressed. Opinions carelessly tossed like a grenade into a crowd. And if you were to tell the one who threw these thoughtless darts about the pain they caused, his response would be “Oh, but I had no intention…I didn’t realize you were so sensitive!” or “I forgot you were here.”

Listed under the title of subterfuge is the poison of insensitivity.
It’s called subterfuge because it’s so subtle. Just a slip of the
tongue. Just a blank of memory. No one is at fault. No harm done.

Perhaps. And, perhaps not. For as the innocent attackers go on their
way excusing themselves for things done without hurtful intention, a wounded soul is left in the dust, utterly confused. “If no one intended to hurt me, then why do I hurt so badly?”

God’s Word has strong medicine for those who carelessly wag their

The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.
It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on
fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. (James 3:6)

He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.
(Proverbs 21:23)

He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will
come to ruin. (Proverbs 13:3)

When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise. (Proverbs 10:19)

The message is clear: He who dares to call himself God’s ambassador is not afforded the luxury of idle words. Excuses such as “I didn’t know you were here” or “I didn’t realize this was so touchy” are shallow when they come from those who claim to be followers and imitators of the Great Physician. We have an added responsibility to guard our tongues.

These practical steps will purge careless words from your talk.

1. Never tell jokes that slander.

2. Never criticize in public unless you: have already expressed your
disappointment with the other person in private, have already taken
someone with you to discuss the grievance with the person, and are
absolutely convinced that public reprimand is necessary and will be

3. Never say anything about anyone in their absence that you wouldn’t
say in their presence. Insensitive slurs may be accidental, but they
are not excusable.


Jesus touched on five specific behaviors he is expecting from Christians. Every Christian must Endeavour to manifest these behaviors. Therein lays the secret of eternity.

      a)     Love: love is the identity of Christians. Christians are to love everyone, including their enemies. When people hate you and level out wicked treatment against you, the natural thing to do is to retaliate, but Christ says we should not retaliate.
        b)     Do good: Christ says, “Do good to those who hate you”. Do you understand the depths of this statement? Think of those people who plan and execute some wicked actions against you; think of those who destroy your name and paint you black; think of those who may have attempted to kill you. Christ says you should do good to them, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.” (Rom 12:20).
      c)     Bless people: “bless those who curse you”. When someone uses a profane language against you, Christ says you should not rail back at the person. Your mouth is meant for blessing and not for cursing, “do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit blessing” (1 peter 3:9).
        d)    Pray for others: “pray for those who mistreat you”. When he was being stoned to death, Stephen prayed for his persecutors (Acts 7:60). We can also do likewise to those persecuting us.

       e)     Offer the other cheek: if someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also.” This doesn’t mean that you physically turn your other cheek to those who slap you on one cheek. It emphasizes the fact that you are not to retaliate, “do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody (Rom 12:17)


The greatest battle a Christian must fight is not with witches and wizards or against occultist agents. These are serious battles.
But the most demanding of all battles is the battle against bad thoughts. 
2 Corinthians 10:5 says “casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” The battle of the mind is that battle everybody faces. 
It is a battle that has to do with past hurtful feelings, emotions, all kinds of bitterness, anger etc. every sin begins with a thought, because the devil always uses our thoughts to fight against us
Come to think of it, it is what is in the mind that the tongue speaks; it is also what is in the mind that the hand does. Jesus says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Mathew 12:23)
Jesus continues in Mathew 12:35, “A good man out of the treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things.” What is in your mind is what you will do. If you can conquer it in the mind, then you can conquer it indeed.
Someone’s thoughts can be used against them. That is why it is a dangerous warfare. If you don’t challenge your thoughts with the word of God, they can destroy you. The most effective weapon for this warfare is the word of God. The more you listen to the word of God and read it, the more a particular sin is unseated from your heart; the more you think holy thoughts; the more you are drawn towards God.

Thursday 27 October 2016


A simple friend, when visiting, acts like a
guest. A real friend opens your refrigerator
and helps himself.

A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real
friend has shoulders soggy from your tears.

A simple friend doesn't know your parents'
first names. A real friend has their phone
numbers in his address book.

A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your
party. A real friend comes early to help you
cook and stays late to help you clean.

A simple friend hates it when you call after he
has gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you
took so long to call.

A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you
with your problems.

A simple friend thinks the friendship is over
when you have an argument. A real friend calls
you after you had a fight.

A simple friend expects you to always be there
for them. A real friend expects to always be there for you!

A simple friend reads this write - up and ignores
it. A real friend passes it on and passes the message to others!


INTERESTING You have to read this --- ALL OF IT, the end is the best part.


1. The Garden of Eden was in Iraq.

2. Mesopotamia, which is now Iraq, was the cradle of civilization!

3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.

4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq.

5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq!

6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor, which is in Iraq.

7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq.

8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.

9. Assyria, which is in Iraq, conquered the ten tribes of Israel.

10. Amos cried out in Iraq!

11. Babylon, which is in Iraq, destroyed Jerusalem.

12. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq!

13. The three Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq! (Jesus had been in Iraq also as the fourth person in the fiery furnace!)

14. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq.

15. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.

16. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

17. The wise men were from Iraq.

18. Peter preached in Iraq.

19. The "Empire of Man" described in Revelation is called Babylon, which was a city in Iraq!

And you have probably seen this one. Israel is the nation most often mentioned in the Bible. But do you know which nation is second? It is Iraq! However, that is not the name that is used in the Bible. The names used in the Bible are Babylon, Land of Shinar, and Mesopotamia. The word Mesopotamia means
between the two rivers, more exactly between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The name Iraq means country with deep roots.

Indeed Iraq is a country with deep roots and is a very significant country in the Bible.

No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy associated with it than Iraq.

And also... This is something to think about! Since America is typically represented by an eagle. Saddam should have read up on his Muslim passages...

The following verse is from the Koran, (the Islamic Bible)

Koran (9:11) - For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.

(Note the verse number!) Hmmmmmmm?! God Bless you all Amen !


A story was told of an intra-venous drug user. He was out somewhere and had no solution to dilute his heroin for an intravenous injection, so he took some water from a pond to prepare a heroin injection into his left arm. Two days later, he was admitted into the medical/surgical unit for severe inflammation of the left upper extremity. His lymph nodes were huge, and his arm was very swollen, that it was like the trunk of a tree. He was in severe pain and the doctor that if this infection entered into his blood, his heart would be infected and he could die from pumps failure.
This is what satan can do in the life of a creature of God. Have you ever wondered the number of youths who have lost their serenity (that are mad) today. Many of them found besides huge refuse dumps scavenging for some rotten food to eat. Some of them are found walking the streets of towns and villages naked. This is definitely not the plan of God for his creatures.
Hear this, “And the slave of the householder came and said to him, “master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where then did these weeds come from”? He answered, “An enemy has done this”. (Mathew 13:27-28). At creation, God saw everything that he made, including that boy or girl who is insane, as good, but satan the devil came and sowed weeds into their lives.
The young man in our story was so scared when the doctor told him that he stood the chance of dying and so he wanted all the nurses to be around him at all times. “As I live say the lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their evil ways for why would you die O’ house of Israel.” (Ezekiel 33:11). God’s love knows no boundaries. He still loved the young man though hated his sinful life. One night the lord told one of the Christian nurses in the hospital that the young man was afraid of death, which was why he was calling for all the nurses all through the shift. The nurse went into the man’s room and told him exactly what God told him. On hearing this, he (the young man) began to cry and the nurse prayed with him to receive Jesus Christ into his heart. The nurse then asked the lord to heal him of his infirmity through the name of the saviour Jesus Christ and within two days, he was healed. Glory be to God! He told the doctors that an evangelist prayed with him and he was healed. The doctor said, “He sure did heal you”. The healing was perfect and the young man became a perfectly new person.
 Today he confesses; “My life has been fun working for God. What a wonderful boss, He is!” God has made a drug addict a brand new person, who now has hope and a future. “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation, everything old has passed away; see everything has become new”. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The Holy Spirit says to you, young man/woman, spend your life in the service of God, and not have anything to do with the works of satan.


During my secondary school days, I used to notice a Goods/passengers lorry that used to ply Asaba- Lagos road that says: “God’s case No appeal”. The saying did not convey any deep meaning to me then but was like any other saying to draw ordinary attention. Of all the days of our lives here on earth, just one day, a day that hearts will be touched, a day of deep reflection, a day that people will say good and bad about you as they gather in small or large groups, a day that brightness of the day will turn into darkness, and that day is the most important day of man’s life. It is a day that the spirit will be separated from the body and the body will no longer see, hear, touch or move. It is appointed unto man once to die and after death, judgment. “And I saw the dead, great and small standing before the throne, and the books were opened…” (Rev 20:12).
Hear Ecclesiastes 3:16, “And I saw something else under the sun. In the place of judgment, wickedness was there, in the place of righteousness, iniquity was there”, and verse 17 scripture says, “I thought in my heart, God will bring to judgment both the righteous and the wicked for there will be a time for every activity, a time for every deed declared”. It means therefore that there is no justice in the courts of man; the innocent is found guilty and the guilty is found to be innocent. This leads to appeal after appeal in the courts of man.  Friends, in God’s case, there is no appeal because the books and the book will be opened. Daniel 7:25-26 says, “But the court will sit, and his power will be taken away and completely destroyed forever”.
One thing that gladdens God’s heart is truth and justice. In God’s case, there is no solicitor, and advocate, there is no lawyer who fly on the wings of the law. In God’s case, there is no senior advocate of Nigeria (SAN). What he wants is the truth and nothing but the truth and you will be acquitted.

Brothers/sisters, God’s judgment day is near. Are you ready for it? That great day is coming when men shall stand before the throne of God and give account of themselves.

Wednesday 26 October 2016



1). Never raise your voice for any reason to your husband. Its a sign of disrespect.

2). Don't expose your husband's weaknesses to your family and friends. It will bounce back at you. You are each other's keeper.

3). Never use attitudes and moods to communicate to your husband, you never know how your husband will interpret
them. Defensive women don't have a happy home.

4). Never compare your husband to other men, you've no idea what their life is all about. If you attack his Ego, his Love for you will diminish.

5). Never ill treat your husband's friends because you don't like them, the person who's supposed to get rid of them is your husband.

6). Never forget that your husband married you, not your maid or anyone else. Do your duties.

7). Never assign anyone to give attention to your husband, people may do everything else but your husband is your own responsibility.

8). Never blame your husband if he comes back home empty handed. Rather encourage him.

9). Never be a wasteful wife, your husband's sweat is too precious to be wasted.

10). Never pretend to be sick for the purpose of denying your husband's right. You must give it to him how he wants it. It's very important to Men, if you keep denying him, it is a matter of time before another woman takes over that duty. No man can withstand on starvation for too long (even the anointed

11). Never compare your husband to your one time Ex-lover. Your home may Never recover from it if you do.

12). Never answer for your husband in public opinion polls, let him handle what is directed to him although he may answer for you in public opinion polls.

13). Never shout or challenge your husband in front of children. Wise Women don't do that.

14). Don't forget to check the smartness of your husband before he checks out.

15). Never allow your friends to be too close to your husband.

16). Never be in a hurry in the bathroom and on the dressing table. Out there your husband is always surrounded by women who took their time on their looks.

17). Your parents or family or friends do not have the final say in your marriage. Don't waste your time looking up to them for a final word. You must Leave if you want to Cleave.

18). Never base your love on monetary things. Will you still submit to him even if you earn more money than him?

19). Don't forget that husbands want attention and good listeners, never be too busy for him. Good communication is the bed rock of every happy home.

20). If your idea worked better than his, never compare yourself to him. Its always team work.

21). Don't be too judgmental to your husband. No man wants a Nagging wife.

22). A lazy wife is a careless wife. She doesn't even know that her body needs a bath.

23). Does your husband like a kind of cooked food? Try to change your cooking. No man jokes with food.

24). Never be too demanding to your husband, enjoy every moment, resource as it comes.

25). Make a glass of water the very first welcome to your husband and everyone entering your home. Sweetness of attitude is true beauty.

26). Don't associate with women who have a wrong mental attitude about marriage.

27). Your marriage is as valuable to you as the value that you give it. Recklessness is unacceptable.

28). Fruit of the womb is a blessing from the Lord, love your children and teach them well.

29). You are never too old to influence your home. Never reduce your care for your family for any reason.

30). A prayerful wife is a better equipped wife,pray always for your husband and family.


Only God has no weakness. Every rose flower has its own
thorn. If you focus too much on your spouse's weakness, you
can't get the best out of his/her strength.
No one is an Angel, therefore, avoid digging one's past. What
matters is the present life of your partner. Old things are
passed away. try to forgive and forget. The past can't be
change. So Focus on the present and the future!
Marriage is not bed of roses. Every shinning marriage has
gone through its own test of hot and excruciating fire. True
love is proved in time of challenge. Fight for your marriage!
Make up your mind to stay with your spouse in time of needs.
Remember this is the vow you made on your wedding day!
Don't compare your marriage with anyone! We can never be
equal, some will be far in front and others far behind. To avoid
marriage stresses, be patient, work hard and with time, your
marriage dreams shall come true.
When you marry, you must declare a war against enemies of
marriage. Some of the enemies of marriage are: Ignorance,
Prayerlessness, Unforgiveness, Adultery, Third Party Influence,
Stinginess, Stubbornness, Lack Of Love, Rudeness, betrayal,
Laziness, Divorce etc. Be ready to fight to maintain your
marriage zone.
There is no ready made marriage anywhere. Marriage is hard
work, volunteer yourself and perfect it daily. Marriage is like a
CAR with Gear oil, gear box, back hassles and If this parts are
not properly maintained, the car will brake down somewhere
along the road and exposing the occupant to unhealthy
circumstances. - Many of us are careless about our marriage...
Are you? If you are, pls pay attention to your marriage.
He (God) gives you, him or her in the form of raw materials in
order for you to mould what you desire. You may desire a
woman who can pray for 1 hours but your wife can only pray
for 30 minutes. With your love, prayer and encouragement, she
can improve and vice versa.
You cannot predict what will happen after marriage, as
situation may change, so, leave a room for adjustment.
Pregnancy may not come in the next 4 years. You may get
marry to her because she's slim but she becomes 100% fatter
after a child. He may lose his beautiful job for years that you
have to take the financial responsibility of the family until he
gets a new job. But with God by your side, you will smile at
Marriage needs total commitment, love is the glue that makes
a couple stick together. Divorce starts in the mind. Never think
of divorce! Never threaten your spouse with divorce. Choose
to remain married! God hates divorce
Marriage is like a bank account. It is the money you deposit
into your bank account that you can withdraw. If you don't
deposit love, peace and care into your marriage, you are not a
candidate of a blissful home. There is no free love in marriage,
You cannot love without giving and sacrificing. if you can keep all these it will help you.


This is an eye opener; some probably never thought nor
Looked at this Psalm in this way, even though they say it over
and over again. Psalm 23
The Lord is my Shepherd That's Relationship! I shall not
Want That's Supply!
He makes me to lie down in green pastures That’s Rest!
He leadeth me beside the still waters That’s
Refreshment! He restores my soul
That's Healing! He leadeth me in the paths of Righteousness That’s Guidance!
For His name sake that’s Purpose!
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death That’s Testing!
I will fear no evil that’s Protection! For Thou art with
me That’s Faithfulness!
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me That’s
Thou prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies That’s Hope!
Thou anoint my head with oil That's Consecration! My
cup runneth over
That's Abundance!
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days
of my life
That's Blessing! And I will dwell in the house of the
Lord That's Security! Forever


Entrance into the kingdom of heaven is through the narrow way, not the wide route. What does this mean for us? It means that the way of salvation is specific. There is no ambiguity concerning it. Jesus has made himself clear on how one can enter heaven. It won’t come by chance, it will come by obedience to those specific instructions that Jesus has given. The way to salvation is the only way. There are no many ways. If you are on it, then you are saved. If you are not on it, then you are not saved. The scripture says, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). The way to salvation is straight and not crooked in direction or purpose of morals. It is not yes and no. it is always yes. It does not accept anything whatsoever. Candidates of heaven are those who are not compromising in their faith; those who are straight forward.

The kingdom of heaven is something to be struggled for. One has to work for it. You have to labour for it and make every effort to possess it. Whole hearted dedication and absolute commitment are required to possess heaven. You have to be active in your pursuit of heaven; not passive. It is something you have to do immediately. You have to start making the efforts so that you can get there. You have to start struggling for it, forfeiting sinful pleasures, subduing the flesh and doing all the sacrifices in order to get there.  


When a man of God explained to his hearers the parable of the ten virgins, he laid special stress on the final words, “And the door was shut”.                                    Among the congregation, that day, there happened to be two young men who had come with the intention of making fun of the gospel, as well as of the man of God. As they heard the serious word referred to above, one of them whispered into the other’s ear: “there is no great danger in that. If one door closes, there is always another door remaining open”. However, how shaken the two scoffers were when the man of God could not possibly have heard from such a great distance what they had whispered to themselves, exclaimed: “it could well be that in this place, there are thoughtless and unconcerned souls, who withstand God’s word, and are thinking in themselves, “what does that matter? If one door closes, then another will surely open! Such scoffers are in fact making no mistake. Yes, if that door closes another opens; but the one that opens is the door that leads to hell fire where fallen angels and demons dwell. But I think it is necessary to tell them about the sort of door to hell”. The two young men were startled when they heard these words. They have to confess that it was God himself, who heard their mocking remarks, and immediately answered them in this way. One of the two was converted shortly afterwards and found peace with God.
Beloved, the human heart is so deceitful and is always finding a way to excuse itself. God in his wisdom has provided man the opportunity of choice.
Today, you are to seek the lord and accept to fall into his loving embrace and enjoy eternal bliss with him in his heavenly kingdom.
To refuse and reject Jesus’ love, fall into the devastating hand of satan and his demonic angels and end up in everlasting condemnation in hell fire.

The choice is yours. But my candid advice is that you choose Jesus Christ and reject satan and all his lies. Allow yourself to be controlled by the spirit of God so that you can have life and peace. Remember that those who allow themselves to be controlled by their human nature shall reap a sad harvest of death and eternity in hell fire.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


An illiterate woman boarded a plane from Enugu to Abuja. She was booked for an economy class seat...

Just after the plane took-off, the woman stood up and went to sit in the first class cabin. The flight attendant went to ask her to go back and sit in economy class because that's where the ticket allowed her to sit but she refused. She had paid and wanted the best seat.

Then the attendant informed the Jnr. pilot. The Jnr.pilot went and spoke with the lady and she still refused.

Then the Jnr. pilot went to inform the chief pilot. The chief pilot said, I am married to an illiterate, I'll go and talk to her. The chief went and whispered some words to the woman and she peacefully stood-up and went to her economy class seat.

The attendant and Jnr. pilot surprisingly asked, sir what did you tell her?

The chief pilot said: Easy guys, I just told her that first class is not going to Abuja, only economy class is!!! Abi?


My Dearest Wife

To My Dearest Wife,

During the past year, I have attempted to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of only once every 10 days. The following is a list of why I didn't succeed more often:

We will wake the kids - 54 times

It's too late - 15 times

I'm too tired - 42 times

It's too early - 12 times

It's too hot - 18 times

Pretending to be asleep - 31 times

The neighbors will hear - 9 times

Headache or backache - 26 times

Sunburn - 10 times

Your mother will hear us - 9 times

Not in the mood - 21 times

Watching the late show - 17 times

Too sore - 26 times

New hairdo - 6 times

Wrong time of the month - 14 times

You had to go to the bathroom - 19 times

Of the 36 times that I DID succeed, the result was not always satisfying because 6 times you just laid there, 8 times you reminded me that there was a crack in the ceiling, 4 times you told me to hurry up and get it over with, 7 times I had to wake you up to tell you I was finished, and once I was afraid that I had hurt you because you started thrashing around and breathing heavy. Let's try to improve this, shall we??

Love, Your Hubby


To My Dearest Husband,

I think things are a little confused. Here are the REAL reasons you didn't get more than you did this past year:

Came home drunk and tried to screw the cat - 23 times

Did not come home at all - 36 times

Did not come - 21 times

Came too soon - 38 times

Went soft before you got it in - 19 times

Cramps in your leg - 16 times

Working too late - 33 times

You had a rash, probably from a toilet seat - 29 times

Caught yourself in your zipper - 15 times

You had a cold and your nose kept running - 21 times

You had burned your tongue on hot coffee - 9 times

You had a splinter in your finger - 11 times

You lost the notion after thinking about it - 42 times

Came in your pajamas after reading a dirty book - 16 times

The reason I laid still was because you had missed me and were screwing the sheet. You seemed to be having a good time and I didn't want to move and spoil it for you. I wasn't talking about the crack in the ceiling. What I said was, "Would you like me on my back or kneeling?" The time I was thrashing around and gasping was when you farted and I was fighting for air. Maybe you can work on your "shortcomings?"

Love, Your Wife


A very successful Nigerian Man in Holland parked his brand-new Lexus in front of his office, ready to show it off to his colleagues. As he got out, a truck passed too close and completely tore off the door on the driver's side.

The man immediately grabbed his cell phone, called the cops, and within minutes a policeman pulled up.

Before the officer had a chance to ask any questions, the Nigerian man started screaming hysterically. His Lexus, which he had just picked up the day before, was now completely ruined and would never be the same, no matter what the body shop did to it.

When the man finally wound down from his ranting and raving, the officer shook his head in disgust and disbelief. "I can't believe how materialistic you Nigerians are", he said. "You are so focused on your possessions that you don't notice anything else."

"How can you say such a thing?" asked the Nigerian man. The cop replied, "Don't you know that your left arm is missing from the elbow down? It must have been torn off when the truck hit you."

"My God!" screamed the man. "Where's my Rolex?


My brothers, this situation our town is facing is of great concern to me; it gives me serious worry. If you decide to host something in the town and invite your friends from other villages, there is no road for them to come. Christmas is around the corner. Have we asked ourselves which road we are going to travel through to our villages? This is a serious matter oooo. No development of any sort year after year.
I overheard recently when I raised this issue that money is being released by the government for the development of the community on yearly basis. But where is this money? I heard that this money is being diverted and shared among the different “EZEs” to squander. This is very wrong. If our ears are on the ground, we must have heard a thing or two about this…
We should all help create this awareness. Let them know that we know what has been going on. We cannot fold our arms and let old men sacrifice our development on the altar of their selfishness, laziness and greed.

Thank you


Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a mustard seed. He intended to show the miraculous way it has grown. The mustard seed was planted by a man. The mustard seed refers to Christianity planted by God. There was an intention behind the emergence of Christianity; it was a divine one. It did not sprout out by chance. God wanted Christianity to be. Not only was it planted, but it grew. First it was just few persons. Jesus launched the idea all by himself through the power of God. The vision, the idea, the dream was in no one else’ mind but his. Having planted it, it was carried forth by men with no position and no prestige. They were not among the mighty people or the noble individuals of their society- just common people. But it grew from there and became a great church- a great movement. Then, birds of the air perched in its branches. Christianity has grown and obviously offered hope to a great multitude of people. People who live in darkness can now come and receive the light of Christ. Those cast down by the complications of this world can now place their burdens down and give a sigh of relief; those held bound by the bondage of the devil can now feel the freedom of Christ right from their bones. The dying can now nurture hope in the resurrection of the dead. Hence, life now has a new meaning with Christianity. “The law and prophets were proclaimed until john. Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.” (Luke 16:16). Thank god that you have found your way into the kingdom; that you are part of this happening. You’ve got to deepen yourself into the kingdom of God. Secure a stronger faith in God; get deeper into Christ. Allow the kingdom to change and transform you. Allow the light of the Gospel to penetrate your innermost parts. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come” (2 Cor 5:17).

Friday 21 October 2016


The most difficult time to be in a relationship as a guy is in your early twenties.
The period when you are stuck in a limbo, trying to figure out yourself and who you want to be.
At this age, you find it a herculean task asking money from your parents, considering your dad will always remind you of how he was self sufficient at your age.
So you are always left with "Nkechiyere" anyone that comes from them willingly.
To compound your "woes". You have a girlfriend whom you love so muchh, you are 24 and she is 23.
And guys being wired to want to take control, you are frustrated at your inability to take care of her like you want to.
I mean where is the money??
You are still jobless, still hustling, still finding your feet.
Still putting hands into many things hoping to put smiles on you.
All of a sudden, she starts acting out and showing attitude.
You call, and she takes forever to pick or return your calls.
When she finally does pick, the call is like an interview session with those annoying and frustrating one word replies.
Yes, no, fine, okay, nothing.
Then finally she ends the call with a flimsy excuse like " wait let me close the fridge", i will call you back. And the call never comes back.
Then one day she calls you and asks you "where is this relationship heading to?.
You don't even know where your own life is heading to, not to talk of a relationship.
Then she drops the bombshell. Tells you that she met a guy who wants to marry her.
And how age isn't on her side, and you are almost compelled to scream "But you are just 23". Can't you wait 3 more years let me make it.
You just hold yourself and play the good guy
You ask her if she loves him, she dodges the question and replies you with " He treats me well".
Well since she wasn't informing you to take permission, she was simply telling you.
You have to be the cool guy and wish her well.
One week later, she gives you the traditional wedding card. And then you do the math yourself.
She was talking to the guy a long time before now.
Then you realise that for every "K" you got on WhatsApp, the guy was getting a long epistle.
You have been played.
Worse is you cant even blame her, you are just a prospect who no one knows what will become of your life in 4years time.
Would you have made it or not?
She has gone for the real deal, someone who has already made it.
In footballing terms, you are a "Anthony Martial" ( prospect) while the guy is a Messi ( has made it already).
I mean you were sending her cards of N200, and the guy was telling her to manage 10k for the weekend.
No comparison there.
And then you go through that silent heartbreak guys go through, the ones they don't talk about.
And unceremoniously you get inducted into the special hall of fame where members are young guys whose childhood loves and friends or girlfriends they thought they would end up with left them to marry someone else.
Your heart is broken into smithereens.
In this hall of fame, you are all victims. Victims of not having found your path in your early twenties. A heartbreak will that shape ur life and change the way u see and treat women forever.
At the wedding, no sight is more heartbreaking than seeing "the love of your life" say "I do" to this guy she just met 6 months ago.
To make matters worse, you get an alert from Diamond bank telling you how N13 have been deducted for bank charges. You are mad.
Your N4000, is down to N3987 rendering that N1k useless, you can only withdraw N3k now.
And that's your home and abroad.
Can life be more unfair at this moment?
6 years later. You are 30 now. Congratulations, you finally made it. You are as rich as you hoped you will become.
You are one of the happening guys in town.
You go to a wedding. With your friends, the men on suit. Those guys that just intimidate everyone in the hall.
You are seated scouting the hall, and the bridal train passes by.
Ofcourse, bridal train and ashoebi ladies always show themselves. That's part of the job description. Sampling.
And you spot one, she is beautiful, elegant and tall.
You walk up to her, chat her up. Exchange numbers and you leave.
She is 24, ripe for marriage.
Three months later, you are sounding marriage to her ears. She loves how it sounds.
You are on chat with her always.
And somewhere else, a 25year old boy still finding his way is wondering why the girlfriend is becoming distant these days.
Why is he getting those one worded replies which is unlike her.
Why do there chats seem more like interview.
And fast fast, you have proposed and simultaneously she is asking the 25year old boy that question of
"Where is this relationship going to".
And then you marry her, and somewhere a boy gets heart broken.
You see we are always going to do this to ourselves.
There's a time for everything.


Moved by the Holy Spirit, Stephen opened his mouth to announce the good news in the presence of everyone. He spoke so boldly and confidently. Some people felt offended by what he said and gathered themselves against Stephen, with false accusations. Stephen was called to defend himself, but instead of defending himself, he preached about the tragic failure of people to obey God. He saw that as another opportunity to preach that hot sermon in his heart. The message sank into his audience effectively and they were convicted. He had faithfully discharged his duty. The response was up to his audience. They had the option to repent of their sins and turn to God or to reject the message and turn against God. That would have been one cute opportunity to embrace Jesus, abandoning their evil ways, but they turned a deaf ear to the message and followed their hearts to be bittered. Instead of godly sorrow, what they nursed in their hearts was anger. Their hearts had grown coarse and so stubborn to admit the truth. The Jewish leaders who felt more uncomfortable with Stephen’s sermon turned everyone’s heart against Stephen. In the end, they stoned him to death.

 Truth is something people don’t want to hear. Truth is that sensitive part of a person’s life that they do not want you to mention. Those who oblige themselves to saying the truth turn out to be everyone’s enemy. They lose friends easily. They are seen as “the troublers”. But the truth is what Jesus commands us to say. He says the truth will set us free. It is true that truth may be bitter but it must be told. Where you are is where God wants you to be an apostle of truthfulness.


One thing I know about human beings is that they are so fickle. In acts 14:13, the people were offering sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas thinking they were gods, because they saw a miracle that happened. It was so difficult for Paul and Barnabas to restrain people from doing that (Acts 14:18). People became so enthusiastic towards Paul and Barnabas. But soon, all their enthusiasm vanished just because some people came from Antioch and Iconium to persuade them against Paul and Barnabas. It was so funny to see people who had adored these preachers now picking stones and stoning at them. Yesterday, flowers. Today, stones! It was the same attitude that people had towards Jesus. On the Palm Sunday, they shouted, “hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our ancestor David! Hosanna in the highest heaven (Mk 15:13-14). There is no reason to doubt that this can also happen to us. If you are in the midst of people who are singing your praise, be careful. One day, the tone of their voice will change. It is the same people who sing hosanna for you that will shout, “Crucify him” to you. When it comes to hosanna, they will merely sing it. But when it comes to ‘crucify him’, they will shout, so that the whole world hear it. It is those who admire you now that will spurn you later. Relate with human beings with prayer and wisdom so that they would not ruin your life. It is simply God that will not deny you at any time. 

Thursday 20 October 2016


God’s plan is for us to be his dwelling place. That is why Paul says, “your body is the temple of the holy spirit” 1 cor6:19. God is not looking for beautiful buildings to inhabit or shrines to live in; but he is I search of a willing heart to welcome him. Isaiah 66:1-2 says, “Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being? Declares the lord. The one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.”
God is looking for a person who is humble and obedient to his word, so that he can live inside of that person. Who is God? God is love. If God dwells in you, you feel the presence of love (Romans 5:5), and become a giver of God’s love.                        St Paul gives us the stages of being filled with the fullness of God, “for this reason I kneel before the father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches, he may strengthen you with power through his spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you being rooted and established in love , may have power together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”                (Ephesians 3:14-19).

When we receive Christ into our hearts, he gives us the revelation of the greatness of his love, the width, length, depth and height of his love. We don’t understand the strength of God’s love if the spirit does not give us the ability. It is the Holy Spirit that will help us to feel the force of God’s love. We are to experience the love of God powerfully within us, so that we can become distributors of it. Ask the spirit to bring the love of God alive in you. 


Did you fall into sin recently and are feeling so bad? Have you done something you said you wouldn’t do? And a voice is telling you there is no hope for you? I’m sure that God doesn’t condemn you. There is a story that will prove this. It is the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. It was not just a rumour that was carried about her, but she was caught in the very act of sleeping with a man that was not her husband. The scribes and Pharisees were so sure that the woman would die, because it could be proved beyond every reasonable doubt that the woman was an adulterous woman. The law stipulated that such woman should be stoned to death. The mistake they made was that they took the woman to Jesus. Why?  Jesus does not condemn anyone. Rom 8:1 says, “There is now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.”

The greatest misfortune of the devil is that Christ came to save mankind. No one is under condemnation. God is looking forward with outstretched hand to receive the entire world into his bosom. Christ is looking to receiving you into his mercy hand. He does not condemn you for your sins but he wants you to embrace his Grace. Confess your sins and be blessed. He said to the woman, “go and sin no more.” That is the instruction. Christ is not forgiving you because he wants you to continue in your sins. No. he is forgiving you so that you can change. Let there be a decision in you to sin no more. Decide within you to break away from a lifestyle that is displeasing to Jesus. Decide today to live a life that is committed to the course of Jesus.

Wednesday 19 October 2016


Women are endowed with natural accessories which need to be harnessed for looking beautiful. One of them is hair. Adding extra vigor and lush to the hair provides an attractive look. Some women have straight hair or even less hair but adding a curly effect on can make them look gorgeous.
HIHARTZ provide best solution by bringing the curly hair product in the market. These hair wigs give extra lush and glamour to your stylish attire. They are manufactured with utmost care, while maintaining hygiene and quality control. These hair wigs are highly comfortable and easy to wear. Due to their various size ranges, they fit on every scalp without difficulty.
The product list consists of Wavy Hair, Keratine or Clipon Hair Extensions, Lace Wigs, Straight Hair and Curly Hair. High quality products are available with us. No harmful chemicals are added while straightening procedure. Moreover, the products would not require any kind of maintenance after purchasing. Also, all our products are created in most hygienic platform. Hair products of all sizes are available with us. We have then purified them 100% for producing the hair products. The following are the list of products available with us.

Okay, we have the best hairs and wigs here 
click the link, select from our list and place your order



Women are endowed with natural accessories which need to be harnessed for looking beautiful. One of them is hair. Adding extra vigor and lush to the hair provides an attractive look. Some women have straight hair or even less hair but adding a curly effect on can make them look gorgeous.
HIHARTZ provide best solution by bringing the curly hair product in the market. These hair wigs give extra lush and glamour to your stylish attire. They are manufactured with utmost care, while maintaining hygiene and quality control. These hair wigs are highly comfortable and easy to wear. Due to their various size ranges, they fit on every scalp without difficulty.
The product list consists of Wavy Hair, Keratine or Clipon Hair Extensions, Lace Wigs, Straight Hair and Curly Hair. High quality products are available with us. No harmful chemicals are added while straightening procedure. Moreover, the products would not require any kind of maintenance after purchasing. Also, all our products are created in most hygienic platform. Hair products of all sizes are available with us. We have then purified them 100% for producing the hair products. The following are the list of products available with us.

Okay, we have the best hairs and wigs here 
click the link, select from our list and place your order


Monday 17 October 2016


1. Remind yourself that worrying doesn’t stop things happening. Things will happen – or not happen –anyway.
2. Recognize that “What ifs” don’t usually help with problem solving. It’s better to use logic, and brain storm for solutions. Take control of your emotions by using rational thinking.
3. Motivate yourself by something other than worrying. Take a break and do something fun, and then go back to your work again. That positive approach will reap more benefits.
4. Face your fears – and do the things that you worry about. The thought is often much worse than the actual thing you fear.
5. Ask yourself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” Then, “What are the chances that it will happen? Then “Will you survive it, if it happens, in the end?” Usually, that helps to move us from an extreme and irrational way of thinking to a more realistic, and reasonable way if thinking.
6. Teach yourself a range of relaxation strategies – and then concentrate on them instead of on your different fears. Or, adopt a mindful approach – and keep your focus on “right now”.


Do you want to lead a meaningful and productive life? This is a MUST READ for self development!

1. Make friends with successful people and occasionally buy them gift and surprise them with lunch because successful people always give and hardly get, so when you give them, they value the gift a lot.

2. Get a mentor and follow his instructions and respect the relationship. Never beg your mentor for money or disrespect his or her privacy.

3. Make new positive friends as often as possible and ensure you keep the communication line open. Create a network of friends and not just connections.

5. Show kindness to everyone. Some small boys today will be big boys tomorrow. The biggest dog in the neighborhood was once a puppy. And keep the information/secret to yourself.

6. Always plan ahead and be proactive. He that plans the future work less in the future.

7. Listen to speeches and messages from great teachers. Both religious and educational.

8. Attend seminars and training on any area you need to improve yourself. Train the trainer, personal development, public speaking, sales etc.

9. Have the habit of keeping a pen and a writing pad handy because ideas come in the form of flashes. The smallest pen is bigger and better than the biggest brain.

10. Make sure at every point in time you are reading a book. If you spend 20 minutes reading daily, for 52 weeks you would have consumed 1,000,000 words.

11.Stay away from television as much as possible. You can watch educational channels. Men with big TV sits in front of them to watch men with big library.

12 Put control over your mouth, never say evil of any man, what you are not certain of should not be said. Say good of all men.

13. Always show appreciation for any good deed you received.

14. Always help someone in need.

15. Live a debt free life. What you can’t pay cash for is not your size.

16. Give out loans that you can part with as gift, so that you don’t destroy your business and relationship.

17.Create multiple source of income.

18. Save at least 10 percent of your income.

19. Invest a portion of your income. And be patient to see it grow. If what you have in your hands is not good to be called a harvest then it’s a seed, sow it.

20. Keep a good financial record of all income and expenses, so you won’t ask later “where did my money go”

21. Be in involve in community service. Control traffic, free lesson class for students etc.

22. Keep getting better on your daily goals and dream, develop yourself on them and make sure you get to the top 10 % of your industry.

23. Make sure you engage in exercise. It keeps your brain alert and your body fit to enjoy your success.

24. Pray often, and know that for every success, there is a stronger being that made it possible . Have a nice week ahead.

25. Increase your value by sharing good things with other people. Start by sharing this.


Okay, we must have heard about MMM.
What’s the point storing your cash in the bank for a month and it reduces instead of increasing? They end up charging you for a lot of rubbish.
MMM is a way for you to save your money; help someone and get your money back +30 percent interest after a month. This is the only news I’ve heard in a while that is too good to be true and at the same time is actually true.

Don’t be deceived by the scam you hear everywhere. This isn’t have my word.


Q. Who is the founder of MMM?
A. Sergei Mavrodi, a Russian mathematician and Computer Programmer.

Q. When was MMM founded and where?
A. MMM was founded in 1989 as a registered Cooperative society in Russia, but the new MMM in its current form was formed in 2011.

Q. Why was MMM formed?
A. Mmm was founded as an answer to the unjust and callous financial order in the world, putting the financial destiny of participants in their own hands as they reach for financial freedom.

Q. Have people ever lost money in the history of MMM?
A. Yes. In 1994, the Russian government was threatened by the popularity and success of MMM and they clamped down on it seizing over 4 billion Roubles of people's money. This is the main reason why MMM has stopped the use of any central account today and participants pay directly to each other.

Q. Can the government close down MMM or shut down the website?
A. No. MMM has no offline offices anyone can close, no central accounts anyone can freeze and the site servers are not hosted in this country so they cannot be shutdown.

Q. What is the strength of MMM?
A. Regular PH/GH by old and new participants. As long as participants continue to provide help and get help, MMM can last forever.

Q. What is the weakness of MMM?
A. Panic. Financial institutions do not like MMM and they have been known to use the media to create slanderous reports about what we do. If we the participants panic and stop providing help, they got us. But if we refuse to panic, they lose.

Q. What happens in the event of mass panic and people do not provide help but want to get help?
A. The system goes into a pause mode. Old mavros are paused and their growth stops, no one can get help within that period but provide help requests are welcome. After a few months when the system balances, the pause is lifted and mavros again continue growing and people can get help. Nobody loses any money.

Q. How can you help make MMM Nigeria last long and continue changing lives?
A. Never let anything u hear or read make u panic. Understand MMM ideology, go over it again and again. Provide help and get help. Bring someone else in to enjoy this with u. Understand that Sergey Mavrodi has provided the platform, the sustainability now depend on our actions and inactions.

Q. Why does it take long sometimes before my PH request got matched?
A.It's simply because of the PH/GH imbalance...What's that?
*It means the number of people that wants to provide help are more than the number of people that wants to get help*, in other words, many people are on the PH queue which means the system is very healthy. So do not worry because it's a blessing in disguise... *your money is already growing in your hands*. But when the order arrives let it meet your pledge in your hands.
In case you don't know, the time for your PH request to be on dispatcher list is +/-35 days. 

Q. Can I still PH even when I still get a running PH request?
A. Yes. You can PH anytime and as many times as you want in as much as you will be able to provide the money when the order comes.

Q. When did MMM start in Nigeria?
A. The historical MMM started in Nigeria in November 15, 2015

Q. Must I wait 30days before I can GH?
A. No. You can GH anytime provided it is 14days and you have actually fulfilled your pledge.
Option 3 and 4 can also guide you.
Do you like offering help? I know you like. Do you want to be earning 30% on any amount you help someone with? I know you will like to think about it. You don't need to think too much because MMM is offering you an opportunity to provide help to people across the world and get help as well whenever you need it. It's an indirect way of saving your money and getting 30% on any amount you saved. This is better than leaving your money idle in the bank.
With MMM, you can provide help with at least 1k and after 30 days, you get back your 1k with three hundred naira bonus.

If you're interested, get registered and you're good to go to a world of financial freedom. More benefits are available. If you're interested,
1.Log onto,
2.Click register and enter your details as demanded, 3.In the space provided for invite, type
simply click

4. In the space for guider email, enter the same email and 07032616044 for the space provided for the guider's phone number.
5. Login to MMM and add your bank account details
6. Provide help of any amount and at the end of the month, you get back the amount you provided help with 30% bonus on the amount you provided help with.
You can send me your details so I can register you free of charge.
Reach me on whatsApp 07032616044
Good to know you're moving into a financial freedom with MMM.


Marriage is something most young men look forward to once they have a job and say proper accommodation. Well, I would say most young men because some young men feel marriage is a threat to their peace of mind.
Before one gets married, there are certain things to consider. Of course love plays an important role. Most people feel you should have known your partner for up to 2 years at least before thinking about marrying him or her, others think delay threatens progress.
There are marriages that are crisis oriented though and this crisis is mostly as a result of one’s background, foundation, religion and culture.
A catholic strong catholic man cannot marry a strong Jehovah witness woman on the basis of love and expect the marriage to last; a northerner cannot marry an easterner and expect perfect understanding; someone who grew up in a rural area cannot marry someone who has lived all her life being served by people and expect peace. I could go on.
You knew the rough; playboy lifestyle of a guy and maybe his violent nature and yet you feel love conquers all and you decide to get married to him, my dear, you are responsible for your action.
The women aren’t the only victims here. As a man if you notice your girlfriend's insatiable desire for sex and maybe she is closer and blends easier with guys. If you go ahead to marry such a person, it means you are prepared to face whatever the resultant might be.
There is a high tendency that such marriages won’t last.
There is this saying that a woman has no religion till she gets married bla bla bla..i think that is utter rubbish. Everyone has a lifestyle and anyone who doesn’t know where they belong “religious wise” as an adult has the tendency to keep wandering from place to place thereby constituting conflict in the home as well.
God has given us common sense. We should be able to see these things and act accordingly. When you are in love with a girl whose belief and background; religion is completely contrary to yours. You need to sit down with the person and talk about it because sometimes, LOVE ISN’T JUST ENOUGH.

Sunday 16 October 2016


If you want to host a contest  which you may want to end and celebrate with during Xmas, or contest for ur group,community,state,school it in Hall Of Fame. Link: Http:// See what people are saying about hall of fame on


Some children take after their parents in different ways. Sometimes, when  you enter a place you wouldn’t need anyone to tell you who and who are related because you can see that on their faces. Some children take the physical resemblance of their parents. But some others borrow behavioral traits from their parents. In the same way, it is a fact that children inherit many things from their parents and ancestors – disease, instincts, physical and mental characteristics. The social status, educational achievements and spiritual foundation of a father have a lot of influence on their children. As true as it is that parents have influence over their children, one thing stands out – God has given each individual freedom to choose what they want. It is only in the physical matters that your parents’ situation can affect you without your choice. When it comes to sin or guilt and righteousness, you have the freedom to choose which you want. In whatever condition you find yourself, whether you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, intelligent or unintelligent, learned or illiterate, you are certainly free. You are responsible for all your actions. You are not responsible for the action of your parents. You are not responsible for the action of your siblings or that of your children. You can choose to walk away from the pattern of life that other members of your family have chosen to take. It is on the basis of your own choice that God will judge you. He will not judge you on the basis of what you inherit of your parents, such as richness, poverty, health, sickness, learning or intelligence. God will judge you on the basis of your personal decisions and choice, whether you have done right or wrong. This means you have the power to transcend your  heritage and environment. All you need to do is to connect to God and ask God to grant you the grace to live your own life.


All husbands can enjoy

Wife : Shall I prepare rice or stew today .
Husband : First make it, we will name it later

A frustrated husband in front of his laptop:
dear google, please do not behave like my wife...
Please allow me to complete my sentence before you start guessing & suggesting

A married man's prayer;
Dear God, u gave me childhood, u took it away
U gave me youth, u took it away.
U gave me a wife.......... Its been years now,
just reminding u......

Husband: I found Aladin's lamp today.
Wife: wow, what did u ask for darling??
Husband: I asked him to increase your brain ten times..
Wife: oh..jaan..luv u so much.. Did he do that??
Husband: He laughed and said multiplication doesn't apply on zero.

Employee: Sir You are like a lion in the office! What about at home??
Boss: I am a lion at home too, But Goddess Durga sits on the lion there !

A man gifted his wife a diamond necklace for their anniversary
and wife didn't speak to him for 6 months.
Was the necklace FAKE?
Nooooo! That was the deal :)

A couple was having dinner at a fancy restaurant.
As the food was served, the husband said, "the food looks delicious, let's eat."
Wife: say prayer before eating at home.
Husband: that's at home the chef knows how to cook.


Best Slogan on a
MAN's T-Shirt :
"Please Do Not Disturb me,
I am Married and already very Disturbed"