
Friday 7 July 2017


As an NYSC member, you have just been posted to a New environment, to obey the clarion call. You need an apartment.

Most place of Primary assignments have not been able to provide an accommodation. Or maybe the Corpers Lodge is not comfortable or maybe you know, there are big boys and girls who just need some privacy. Here are hints that might help you finding a good place to stay.

1. Get a place close to your Place of Primary assignment. You do not want to get a far apartment where you will have to spend #500 everyday on transportation to your PPA. That will not be too good. You should do the Math.

2. Beware of houses that the children of the original owners manage. You might end up paying rent to each of the children. It is possible. Just make sure the person in charge of the house is the real person in charge. Remember you do not know anyone here.

3. Try buying recharge card to know the type of neighbors you have. If the maximum you can get is only 200 naira, well, you know the kind of neighbors you have.

4. You don’t have a car and you want to rent house in a gated community where Okadas are not allowed to enter? Pity yourself o.

5. Bring out all your phones and modems to see which ones will get the strongest network signal. Start to give the strongest line to people that ask for your phone number. And with this age of internet, you need a strong network o.

6. Avoid houses that are near garages, whether Okada, keke Napep or bus garage. Apart from the noise and pollution, you know that NURTW change in leadership can be bloody. They use cutlasses, knives and the like to displace their ‘chairman’. You don’t want to get caught up in struggle for control of garage because your house is nearby. That is not part of the clarion call.

7. Ensure that a market is close or not too far. Chop Chop Corpers did not end during camp o.

8. Make sure the apartment is not too expensive. You can get one with a friend if that will not cause any future troubles. There is no NYSC allowance o.

9. Water is very important. If the house does not have a running tap, you should ask around where people fetch water and make sure its convenient for you.

10. If you notice a lot of shops in the neighborhood selling or repairing generators, it means light is not constant in that area. So you should think about that.

I know there are some other tips. Please add your own below. And if this article helps you, please share to someone else.

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