
Tuesday 3 January 2017


According to Family Share, "No man in his right mind will purposely eat daily doses of arsenic." This is so because arsenic is toxic and will no doubt kill anyone who uses it - the heart stops working and the brain shuts down. So is the effects of pornography to anyone who indulges in it. Although it may not stop your heart from beating but it will allow unhealthy and erroneous feelings and emotions to pervade your heart, which could destroy your marriage and relationship. Again, it may not cause your brain to shut down as arsenic will do but it does affect your ability to concentrate on work related goals because it consumes your mind - this is why most companies frown at the use of pornography in the workplace. Perhaps the most serious of it all is that God abhors pornography because as an addiction, it becomes another god, and God commands that "You must not have any other gods except me." (Exodus 20:3). If you indulge in pornography, then to you it's an idol that you pay homage to by serving it through constant consummation. Seek help NOW! Stop it NOW!! Serve it NOMORE!!!

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