
Thursday 3 November 2016


Have you ever come across two teachers with their peculiarities? One is a reader who daily acquaints himself with developments in his/her field; the other is lazy, who relies on what he or she was taught in the 70s to teach in the modern age. You realize that the students will always mutter words to ridicule his or her out datedness.
 Are you one of those fellows who claim to have started a local church but do not know that Jesus is the real owner of the church? Perhaps you started as the earliest leaders in the church societies with good memory of the scriptures but now feel that you have paid your dues? Gradually you abandon the scriptures for newspapers because it has nothing to offer you. Well, St Paul’s admonition is still very apt, “study to show yourself approved”.

I worked under a boss who told me to stop talking about going to church and study of the scripture. He said to me, “Do not worry you about all these. As a child, I lived with a priest, served at masses and heard innumerable homilies. All that should be alright for the rest of my life”.   You know dear child of God that this statement is unacceptable and unspiritual. God’s word is ever new, the more you search the more you discover the hidden treasures and secrets of God and life. I am not talking about bible reading, but study. Why? Like the two teachers, you will be approved of God and men. You will know the truth that sets you free. You will discover your blessedness and your place in God. Studying is the key to increase knowledge, and knowledge gained through study remains inedible. Wake up! Pick your bible and pen and jotter; find a lonely place and start. When you read ask God for inspiration, tell him to speak to you. Tell Him to open the eyes of your understanding. Write down the new things that God brings to your knowledge. Make this a habit and you will become a vessel unto God’s use. Remember to share your testimonies when you get a turn from studying scriptures.

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