
Thursday 7 July 2016

Each time this happens its not a coincidence IT COULD BE AN ANGEL REVEALING SOMETHING TO YOU.

Fewer people are following organized religion these days, but they still remain spiritual. Many people are turning towards nature or things like angel numbers for guidance. Angel numbers are signs from you guardian angels that are intended to give you a message. Sometimes we are shown sings by our guardian angels that we simply ignore because we don't know what they represent. But once you learn a few of the signs you'll be more prepared for what lies ahead.

If you see a set of numbers multiple times, chances are, forces greater than yourself are trying to tell you something. Angel numbers are short sequences of numbers that either you keep seeing, or that seem to stand out to you at a meaningful time. Like anything in this world, numbers are information, and they carry a specific vibration which when meditated upon can be understood.

Your angels will often continue bringing your attention to the same series of numbers, until you notice the occurrence, become aware that this number keeps appearing to you, and begin to ask yourself what it means.

When you see the number 1212, your angels are referring you to release your fears, frustrations, and anxieties. Trust, stay positive and pursue your passions and dreams. 1212 asks you to use your natural skills, step out of your comfort zone, and follow the positive path to help yourself and benefit others.

Seeing 11:11 is often an invitation to awaken to experiencing the larger picture. It is a wake-up call of sorts to tune into the realms of spirit. Your angels are asking you to relax. Slow down. Take a breath. Quiet your mind and focus within. Seeing this number often signifies that your Guides and Angels are trying to contact you, as it is a sort of calling card for many spiritual beings.

Not many people see the sequence of 999. It’s a rare message and confronts you. It challenges you to get to work on your priorities. 999 signals that a cycle of your life is ending and making way for a new one to begin, so don’t resist if it seems like multiple things are all falling away at once. This is a sign of a new beginning and an ending, but not to worry, you just need to follow your heart in the right direction to get back on the right path.

When the going gets tough in life, you might see 888 appear. This number notifies you that a certain relationship, business contact, or even your career might be drawing to an end. Don’t be afraid. 888 is a reminder from your angels that when you embrace the changes, opportunities, and ideas you have now they will positively improve your life. You’ve probably recently reached a level of completion in one or more areas in your life and it's time to move ahead without looking back at the past.
If 777 is consistently appearing in your life, you’ve either been on a roll and in the flow of life, or things are about to really start working out in your favor. 777 offers you a positive, reinforcing energy from your guardian angels. Imagine this number as a big hug from the whole universe. The set of triple sevens is a magic sequence, and hooray for you, blessings and rewards for your hard work and persistence are in store.

Although 666 might have a bad connotation, don’t fear. When it’s coming from your angels, it means you need to open your mind and heart to a higher truth. It simply brings the message that you’re a bit too focused within the illusions of the material plane. Quiet your mind, open your heart, and tune into your intuition and the guidance and wisdom of your soul and spirit. As 666 in popular culture does carry so much fear energy, seeing this number is also a reminder to release any fear and uncertainty and to begin living a loving life.

When you see 555 appearing in your life, rest assured that big changes are coming. And these changes are good. They’re likely going to bring about a change in your circumstances and deliver results. 555 urges you to let go of the old and outdated. If you resist the changes happening in your life, you’ll likely manifest obstacles, challenges, and a feeling of struggle. This doesn't mean it's time to sit back and enjoy the ride, this set of numbers is to alert you to get moving and create positive change and blessings in your life.

444 symbolizes the natural elements of fire, water, earth, and air. The zodiac. This means your life is being influenced by the elements in a very powerful and positive manner. The angel number 444 is a powerful sign to receive from the angels. It not only means you’re in the presence of angels but that the angelic realms are supporting you, guiding you and assisting you with unconditional love and frequency. Seeing this set of numbers is a sign to start listening to your inner self as fast as possible, and align your heart with the forces of nature.

You’re powerful and the union of your being is complete. This is a rare and powerful message. The angles have responded to your prayers and dreams. The angel number 333 is a reminder that the angels and the forces of nature are working with you on a number of levels. It’s a reminder of a positive time and a signal that the entire universe is conspiring with you to accomplish your dreams and desires. So get clear about what you want, ask for help and take action to manifest your dreams and co-create a beautiful life experience.

When you repetitively see 222, it’s a message from the angels that you’re on the right track but at the moment, you are out of whack. You’re in the right place at the right time. Things will work out for you in the near future if you can maintain your balance and begin to keep your mind and heart clear. Stop dreaming so big and stay focused and your life will fall together beautifully.

The angel number 111 is a call from the angels to pay attention to your thoughts! In every moment, your thoughts, emotions, and your beliefs are playing a huge role in what will manifest in your experience. Don’t allow negative thinking to take you off track. You’re in control of yourself, no one else. Not even your thoughts. Refocus upon what you want and what you’re moving towards, not on what you’re worried about, or what you don’t want to experience in your life. 111 is a big reminder to stay positive!

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